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The Night I Went Around Disneyland in a Wheelchair

by Cindy Harrington, CNC, CHS, CINHC, CYT & Master Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner
Center for Nutritional Healing

Me at Disneyland on July 2, 2006

Me at Disneyland on July 2, 2006

When I look at this photo, taken on July 2nd, 2006, I have a mix of emotions - humbled, sad, grateful and amazed. At that time in my life, I worked in the sheet music business and was in Los Angeles for a conference. My new-ish boyfriend came with me and in the evenings he would whisk me away to amazing places. But I was in bad shape. I had been in chronic, debilitating pain for eight months. At times the pain made walking difficult. So that night, we rented a wheelchair and he pushed it (and me) around Disneyland. What you don't see in the picture is the donut cushion I was sitting on to prevent unbearable pelvic pain. What you might see is a young woman who is washed out, exhausted, and generally unwell. That's what I see.

It wasn't just chronic pain and fatigue. My hormones were unbalanced - for years my periods were rough physically and emotionally. My immunity was compromised - for years I'd regularly get sick in the fall and winter. Like so many Americans, I was one of the "walking wounded."

I actively sought answers from both traditional and natural medicine and some things helped with the pain. I was so determined to get well that I started a journey of formal education in nutrition that continues to this day. That's when the real healing began. Then, when I discovered Nutrition Response Testing®, my healing was taken to a whole new level.


With Nutrition Response Testing, I found out the root causes of my health issues. I found out the exact nutrition including supplementation that would fix it. With time and dedication, I got out of pain and developed great energy. My hormones have never been more balanced than today. And I rarely get sick. When I do get sick, the symptoms are minimal and the duration is very short - nothing like before! Nutrition Response Testing is the greatest gift I've ever been given. It has enabled me to be healthy and live my best life - to live, love, thrive, and help others.

I continue to see my practitioner consistently (about once a month) so we can prevent or handle any underlying issues before symptoms even appear. If I feel off, I get tested with Nutrition Response Testing and we handle it right away.

Today I'm a Certified Nutritional Counselor and Master Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner in the best health of my life. With all that is happening in our world right now, I've never been more grateful for the good health, knowledge and skills to help myself, my family, friends, and clients. That boyfriend that wheeled me around Disneyland (and took the picture) has been my devoted husband for the last eleven years. We've gotten healthy together and continue to dedicate ourselves to improving and maintaining our health and help others with everything we do.

So, what's your story? How are you? Are you suffering or unwell? Do you desire the strength and vitality to handle whatever health challenge comes your way? Are you living the life you were born to live? Are you ready to improve your health?

If you're ready, I am here.