Get Well. Stay Well.


What's New?

Our Natural Approach to Healing

by Cindy Harrington, CNC, CHS, CINHC, CYT
Nutritional Counselor & Master Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner
Center for Nutritional Healing

When you have symptoms and seek help from a traditional medical professional, they will usually proceed by assessing your condition, decide on a diagnosis, and then prescribe a pharmaceutical drug and/or recommend surgery. In some cases, this approach can be life-saving, for example, in the case of a serious and life-threatening injury. However, in most other cases, the root cause of your ill health will not be considered, let alone handled. So, the drug you might end up taking, besides setting you up for harmful side effects, is not handling the underlying cause of your problem. Instead, it's masking symptoms. Meanwhile, the underlying cause persists and often gets worse, leading to more serious health issues in the future.

Our approach is different and it's based on the body's innate ability to heal itself when given the right conditions.

At Center for Nutritional Healing, we test your body with an incredible, scientifically-based system of muscle testing called Nutrition Response Testing®. With Nutrition Response Testing, we are able to determine where there is weakness in your body (any organs or glands, for example), what is causing that weakness (a food, an immune challenge, or a toxin for example), and the exact nutrition your body needs to handle it.

Nutrition is the foundation of our health so it is very important to make changes so the body will heal and thrive. At Center for Nutritional Healing, nutritional changes typically consist of making gradual adjustments to your diet and/or supplementing your diet with the nutrition you are missing. Nothing we recommend is one-size-fits-all! Every person gets a unique healing plan based on how their unique body tests. Even the dosages of supplements we recommend are tailored to exactly what your unique body needs. No more. No less.

Just remember, everything going on with you, including your symptoms, has a reason - a root cause. Again, if your issues have persisted over time despite attempts to get help and overcome them, it's likely the medical professionals you've seen simply haven't considered (or figured out) what the underlying cause is.

We invite you to contact us so we can get to the bottom of what's going on with your body for once and for all - and start the very real, very effective process of healing the right way so you can get well and stay well for lifelong vibrant health!