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The Effects of Long COVID: What It Means for Your Health

by Cindy Harrington, CNC, CHS, CINHC, CYT & Master Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner
Center for Nutritional Healing


You or someone you care about may be suffering from difficult symptoms that persist, and no matter what you do, you’re not getting the answers or help you need to recover. Please read on, there is hope and there is help.

  • Long-term COVID is a challenging issue, with severe symptoms that linger after a person has COVID-19.

  • Scientific studies show that about 30% of people who recover from COVID-19 may experience long-term symptoms. These symptoms can occur regardless of the severity of the initial infection.

  • Symptoms can vary and affect different body systems, making it a difficult condition to diagnose and manage.

Gender differences

Although both men and women can get chronically infected after COVID, studies show that it affects them differently. This is just one of the issues that create challenges for health professionals when managing this complex disease.

Symptoms in women with prolonged COVID are often associated with those seen during menopause, such as fatigue, joint pain, and cognitive difficulties.

Challenges in managing Long COVID symptoms

Holistic healthcare providers face many challenges in helping their patients cope with the long term effects of COVID.

Long COVID can cause many symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. This complexity makes it difficult to identify causes and develop effective controls.

Researchers are still investigating immune responses, viral persistence, and autoimmunity as contributing factors. What works for one person may not work for another, requiring a customized and flexible plan.

A new holistic approach

Dr. Freddie Ulan, the founder of Nutrition Response Testing® has been conducting thorough research to determine the underlying causes of the symptoms of Long COVID. During his early career, he discovered five barriers that could prevent the body from healing.

Dr. Ulan has identified a sixth stressor associated with post-pandemic factors and Long COVID symptoms. Accordingly, he has updated the Nutrition Response Testing analysis to include a procedure that addresses these factors that may be impacting your health and identifies the nutritional support your body needs to repair itself so you can attain and maintain optimum health.

I am trained at the highest level in Nutrition Response Testing, having traveled 19 times to Florida since 2016 to train in this incredible method. I have received the latest research and techniques described above to effectively handle Long COVID and have helped many, many people regain their health from COVID and Long COVID since 2020.

Schedule an evaluation with me today to experience the profound healing benefits of Nutrition Response Testing. After over seven years in practice, I can confidently say there is no better way to identify and handle the root causes of non-optimal health. There is tremendous hope that you and/or your loved one can and will heal, including from Long COVID.


© 2023 Center for Nutritional Healing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Nutrition Response Testing is considered a form of integrative, complementary, or alternative medicine and is used to provide information to a practitioner who is responsible for properly evaluating their client. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.